Month: maart 2023

255, 4, follow

A doll follows her heart

Her name is Heart

A doll follows her name

Is this the same as having fame

No she’s following her heart

Her daily start

I follow the doll

No she’s for me too small

I see in her the love call

I obey to okay

Open hands with you to stay

Blessings to the day

(Copyrights Ameen 2023)

255, tijds zone

Geleidender wijs glijdt

De herinnering als een plaatje

Een printje zonder enige vorm

Althans het vermoeden

Logica en controle

Inzoomen op dat oude detail

Zichtbaar vergeten nu in het licht

De markeringen uit de tijd

Tikken nooit weg in de seconden

Tot morgen in het licht

Lieve momenten van nabijheid en zo meer

Sprake van liefde soms een keer

Wat was onbelicht onbereikbaar voor

Licht is geduldig en werpt schaduw af

De magie van de goede nacht

(Copyrights Ameen 2023)

256, 35, next door

One man knocks on a door

And asks where can I find the prophet

Next door is the answer

He goes from door to door

And everyone asking

Where can I find the prophet

Next door next door next door

Every time the same answer

Happily this man is patient

But pity for him

And than being so tired he stops

Waiting on the bench

There he meets a wise woman

And for the last time

Can you show me the right door to the prophet?

One question did you knock on your own door?

The heart should be open for every prophet meeting you want

The answer is simple

Search all inside insurance of light and love

(Copyrights Ameen 2023)

256, 32, his majesty’s request

The river flows through the dream

In searching for an awakening moment

Knowing who is the inner opponent

To renew myself in a new theme

There’s wallpaper enough to project my story

All with faults pain defaults love and glory

Repeating the same way of losing

Shall I write all down for making a better plan of choosing

My soul wants to be free

The king in myself wants to be more me

A repertoire of defence I want to break

For myself and God’s sake

Pointing is no issue

Yes tears to drip away with a tissue

Blue print of the soul is my seal

Freedom for myself my deal

The heaven guides me on every level

Also learning more about my inner devil

The dream is the river right now

It’s flowing but how?

Rocks and branches want me show more

The river right which dream right door

Exercise experience of feeling with the love for healings

His majesty’s request to the core

(Copyrights Ameen 2023)